Tuesday, February 24, 2009
you know when people tell you not to try to grow up so fast? well, i don't try to.. i think i just do it naturally. With past events in my life, I've been forced with decisions i shouldn't have ever been pressured to make. My decision literally was a matter of life and death, at age 10.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
As good news, I've begun to write my book again- yay!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
My dear beautiful darlings,
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
It's quite funny, i just literally signed out when i happened to receive a text that might've sparked an ongoing subject. & even though it probably would've been more appropriate for Poseur or Poseur Fan, i felt more obligated to unveil it to the dedicated followers. no matter how many there are (or aren't.)
1.You must post these rules.
2.You need to list 8 random things or habits that you do or have.
3.Bloggers that get tagged must write on their own blog about their 8 things.
4.At the end of the post you must list 8 people to get tagged.
5.Leave the people comments on their blogs saying you tagged them.
My wonderful 8 random things and habits:
1. I try to always eat with a fork & knife. Seriously. anything from hot dogs to cheeseburgers.
2. i like boys..;] lol but i am NOT boy loco.
3. When i can't sleep at night, i "type" my thoughts, or "text" them.
4. I dream in random spurts. Mon: nada. Tues: nada. Wed: dream. Thurs: dream. Fri: dream. Sat: nada. etc..
5. When i get bored, i "transport myself" into other worlds. well, like, i imagine myself in a different environment or situation.. etc. i make up characters too.
6. Nervous habits. Holding my necklace, fidgeting with a ring on my finger, and obliterating the inside of my lips!
7. 9 out of 10 times, i'd rather cuddle than kiss. But, kissing is a great alternative. not that i've done it enough times to know.
8.I wish i had more readers, but i love the ones i do have!
Here are SOME of my wonderful followers who I would like to tag:
1. Tandice the Dreamer
2. Hailey
3. Olive (aka Jordan)
4. Annie Lyn
5. Dyslexic Tragedy
6. Blue Hearts
7. Lonnie Love
Love Always,
Friday, February 13, 2009
Oh, Cupid. You really do make wishes come true!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I have to admit, i think i was born in the wrong time.

Monday, February 9, 2009
I ask in all seriousness for a granting of one particular wish. (ignoring the whole "be careful what you wish for" crap. i mean, stuff)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I'm actually extremely tired and somewhat grouchy, but I'm trying to be one with myself.